Master Plant Dieta and Plant Spirit Medicine
Everything you need to know about how the shipibo community of peru use plants in their sacred healing ceremonies
What are "Master Plant Dietas"?
A master plant dieta is a traditional healing practice used in the Shipibo community where you diet a specific plant or tree for a prolonged period while following a Shipibo diet on an ayahuasca-friendly meal plan. Bobinsana is a popular Plant Spirit Medicine to dieta, but many things are considered when choosing a dieta that suits your needs.
More potent plants and trees generally need 20+ days, while lighter ones require 10+ days. The journey of a dieta is challenging. Your body will weaken, tearing down your natural defenses to pierce through and connect to your spirits. Combining a dieta practice with Ayahuasca can provide a transformative experience.

"What started as an intention to do a 5-day ayahuasca retreat ended in a 25-day dieta. I have cried, shouted, and been in doubt. By far, the most challenging yet transforming experience of my life. I´m eternally grateful to Olinda and her family for their love, wisdom, and support. If you want to try this type of dieta in a safe and authentic environment with natural and experienced shamans, then this is the place for you."
Daniel - Holland
Guest at the retreat
Choosing your Master Plant Dieta
Our Shamans take many things under consideration when deciding what master plant dieta you are to enter: Your intention, experience, physical & mental state, and length of stay are a few.
“Some guests arrive knowing what they want to diet, and we often approve. But we also say no when we see it doesn´t align with their spirits and intentions. My advice is that you arrive with an open heart with a clear intention for your journey.”
– Maestra Olinda

Sourcing Plant Spirit Medicine
The day after the first ayahuasca ceremony, the Shamans gather the medicinal plants or trees (bark) for your master plant dieta to be prepared back home. In the picture is Meastro Esteban showing a guest the Palo Maestro chosen for him.
“You can´t just pick a plant and think it will do you good. You have to ask it for permission, honor it, and surrender.“
– Maestro Esteban

Bobinsana Dieta - Preparation
After the plant medicine has been sourced, work remains. In the picture, you see Maestra Olinda preparing a dieta with Bobinsana, a medicinal plant that, among other things, assists in opening up your heart for self-love for one of our guests.
“We prepare all medicine at our retreat for everyone to witness.“
– Maestra Olinda

Plant Medicine ceremony
During the dieta of Bobinsana, you will have a ceremony with the plant every second day for a total of 3 ceremonies. In the picture, you see Maestra Olinda performing a plant ceremony with one of our guests.
“I have dieted for over 20 years with different plants and trees, and people always ask me, “Maestra, what will happen to me when I diet this plant?” I can share the wisdom of the plant with you, but how it shows itself is for you to find out.“
– Maestra Olinda

Flower Bath
The Shamans combine a mixture of healing plants that they let soak for a few hours for the water to absorb its healing properties. The flower bath assists in cleaning out toxins but also in protecting your body and soul during your master plant dieta and ayahuasca ceremonies. You will receive three flower baths during a dieta.

Master Plant Sauna
The Shamans gather and mix medicinal plants and trees and put them to boil in a large pot over an open fire. As it reaches boiling, the pot is carried over to our hand-built sauna, where you sit enclosed with the steam for 15-30 minutes. In the picture is Maestro Robert and Gladys removing the cover as one of our guests finishes her session.
“The sauna assists in purifying your body for the dieta. A guest receives 3-6 sessions.“
– Maestro Robert

Mapacho Ceremony
After the sauna, the Shamans will further assist in building up protection for the dieta and ayahuasca ceremonies. In the picture, you see Maestro Robert blowing mapacho, a medicinal tobacco grown in the jungle and used in all our ceremonies.
“Mapacho is like a bridge between worlds. Its spirits works with all other plant spirit medicine and we use it for both healing and protection.“
– Maestro Robert

Ayahuasca diet meal plan
You will be served a diet that assists and supports your dieta. You will eat a traditional Shipibo diet with a meal plan that supports the dieta and ayahuasca. The diet is primarily vegetarian with fish, no salt, sugar, spices, or green leafy veggies. Just let us know if you are strictly vegetarian or vegan, and we will see to it.
“You might like the food, you might eat yourself full on every meal but you will still find yourself physically weak. That is for the dieta to lower your bodys defenses, opening it up and giving it space to heal.”
– Maestro Robert

Want to learn more?
You have been introduced to dietas and how we source our plant spirit medicine for our retreat in Peru. We shared the importance of arriving with intention rather than knowing what plant you want to diet.
If you want to learn more about how we use master plant dietas as our retreat, please book a discovery call or get it touch using the contact us page.